
I wish it didn't take 4 decades for me to really begin to understand and reprogram this wounded state of seeking affirmation and validation externally. But then I also know through my studies and understanding, that all things unfold in perfect divine timing, even the struggles that threaten to stop or destroy us altogether. 

Of course I'm still healing, and learning and growing. But I've witnessed the transformation of alchemy through self awareness, and I truly hope, pray and intend, that as my wounds become my wisdom, that my own healing serve as a light in the darkness to help you remember the beauty and power within. I hope you'll consider clicking my name and giving a follow, commenting on this post and/or sharing if you have found value in the content of this group, and help me to establish the foundation of the spiritual business I have been nurturing and the service I hope to provide in this world. If nothing else, I honor the energy and attention shared just by you reading this, and I thank you...that in itself is powerful, and valuable. 

If you are interested in a personal reading or spiritual consultation with me, you can now schedule with me at the link below!

This is only being offered in this group and on my vastly unknown blog for now. There are a very limited number of discounted Practice Astrology Readings, in return for a brief feedback survey, and just a very small fee as commitment to show up, and energetic exchange.🌈💖🚪
