Blue Slide Park - The Only Place I Call Home...

 On June 21, The Mac Miller Memoir Page shared this disheartening news that evoked tears, fears and heartache from many fans across the country and even outside of it, many with already booked travel and plans:



An open letter to the City of Pittsburgh, 

From a million hurting (yet hopeful) hearts:

(As perceived by Kaci McCall)

I'm actually at a loss for words to be honest with you, that there is even a shadow of a doubt that this annual Celebration of Malcolm James McCormick, aka Mac Miller (aka Larry. Fisherman, aka Larry Lovestein, aka Delusional Thomas aka Parson Brown aka Lars, aka Old Jewish aka Miller Mac aka EZ Mac with the Cheesy Raps, lol) should continue to only GROW year after, and continue to bring swarms of fans from all over the country and beyond, gathering together out of love and respect for this pure artist and soul… 

 A Soul who is now as much a part of BLUE SLIDE PARK as it ever was of him.

Maybe even read that one more time. 

This is far beyond a ‘party’.

Frick Park is sacred Land, even before it was claimed and named. It's a beautiful place and a blessing to behold. But for thousands upon thousands of Mac Miller fans, a group that varies in age from babies hamed after this man... to kids. of all ages, through young adults to middle aged Moms like yours truly (45 years) to Grandparents, and beyond…

.... and Beyond.... 

What does that even mean? How do I succinctly Sum up the MEANING and IMPORTANCE of the Annual Celebration of Mac Miller, at Blue Slide Park each Sept?  

Look at the location on your GPS. Frick Park, zoom in... Blue Slide Park. The name was changed on the map in his honor. It may belong to the city on paper. But it's more.

it's a PLAYGROUND, but it's a million times more than that to hundreds of fans (it's okay, just call us Mac Heads) literally visit as a SACRED PILGRIMAGE. 

Not just at this event, but throughout the year. We make lists of the local Burgh spots to pay homage to our angel.. the spots that made an impression on an impressionable young man. 

The locations of his inspirations. The places of Awakenings and Dreaming Dreams…

Fans flock to spots that forged Malcolm into "Mac Miller" and helped create the legend to the extent that fans visit to Pittsburgh with a checklist, coming in to spend money and enjoy Pittsburgh magic at places like:

  • unchecked

    Blue Slide Park 

  • unchecked

    Frick Market

  • unchecked

    Capicola Sandwiches at Primanti's

  • unchecked

    Murals in his honor

  • unchecked

    Daily Bread shop 

But BSP is ALWAYS at the top of that list. It’s the Mac Mecca.

‘Key to the city I keep to open the gates with’. 

The key to the city wasn’t ceremoniously given to Malcolm, or the declaration of Sept 20 as Mac Miller Day by then Mayor Burgess in 2013, for no reason. And he means so much more to so many people now, than he did in those early days before his vision was more fully realized and his music became the healing salve for so many feeling lost in the dark.

.“It’s cool to get recognized by your city, to get that hometown appreciation and love,” Miller said of the recognition. “There’s no love like hometown love.”

I dont think Ive ever seen another person so proud to be from Pittsburgh.... from Squirrel Hill, from THAT Park... the "P"" on his hand represented ALL of the magic of the city, far beyond any you could pin with a name. But if you centered it down to one most Sacred site, it is the actual BLUE SLIDE PARK. (Let's be honest, it's a tie between the slide. and the swings).

These places all got mentions & Lyrics & love from Mac, but the Playground and Slide itself are the space of Lit Candles and soulfelt sing-alongs. We PLAY there! 

I’ve watched people get engaged at this event. Children play, grown ups play, we remember that community is the real treasure and it’s truly the most wholesome family friendly event and community. The organizers have always made a point to promote it as that, to discourage drugs/drinking, and even reminding attendees to pick up garbage. And we WILL UPHOLD THIS. We welcome security, police, the neighboring community, everyone. This is an event centered around LOVE, creativity, play, and togetherness.  This is the medicine the world needs, and Blue Slide Park is the place where the magic happens and the healing occurs. Together.

Please, take a minute to Watch Highlights of Last Year's event here!!!


This gathering at Blue Slide Park has been a crucial event and space of healing for not just myself but many others. I wasn't there in 2018. But I felt it. I was learning of Mac Miller that day. I, like many others, had heard the name but not the music, or his messages. "Why was everyone making such a big deal out of this guy?” So many heartfelt condolences across social media ... So many fans saying he was like a FRIEND, and BROTHER. STILL to this day. 

Read the comments. So many that it took me by surprise, maybe I had dismissed and judged based on image and preconceived notions of ‘some drugged up white rapper’. So wrong. 

I asked, "Who the — is Mac Miller?" and start diving deeper and actually check out his music.

I had NO IDEA What & Who I was. falling into! Haha. Some do, Some don't. He grew on me. Pretty fast, but in layers. As I get to know him, he helps me get to know myself. I’ve returned every September since then, with a rental across the street from the Park, a home away from home now. A safe place of fond memories and watering seeds of dreams. 

I'm Far From the only one. 

Mac represents a Spiritual Journey + sometimes a Life & Death Battler to so many of us. 

HE SAVES LIVES. He does. He will continue to. 

All you have to do is read the lyrics.

Maybe Start here:

“English Lane” by Mac Miller 

from the album Blue Slide Park

”Don't even know my schedule, levels reachin' several

Rose petals deliver, make you feel special

They thought the money should've changed it

Slide's still blue why the world keep tryin' to paint it?

When the length around you changes try to keep your sameness

Try to keep your brain maintainin' through the lameness

Sometimes I just wanna go

Back to Blue Slide Park, the only place I call home

I hope it's never all gone, don't think it's ever all gone

Sometimes I just wanna go

Back to Blue Slide Park, the only place I call home

I hope it's never gone, forever long..."

Mac has become an actual guide to so many of us in so many ways. A light in a dark place, but also a reminder to remember to play and have fun. To Remember that you're never too old for the playground. By Sept. of 2021, Mac and his music had become such an integral part of my daily life and mental health practice that I knew I wanted to visit Pittsburgh to honor him. After my 1st trip that Sept, the purity and wholesomeness of that weekend became a part of me. 

Grown adults smiling & cheering as they slide down a concrete slide! Singing songs, swinging on swings. People taking group photos, not off staring at phones. PLAYING! Stroll down the hill, now you'll see rows of Artists w/ easels, painting colors and shapes and portraits of the man who is glorious and eternal. Sunshine brings all of these people. together as his music fills the air. I even told my therapist about it when I returned. Mac Magic. It's real. It's my Happy Place. 

But it truly is. It's a gathering of all ages. Not a concert or a festival. 

It's a sacred gathering of Souls, many of whom have been fighting daily battles with grief, depression, anxiety, mental illness, ptsd, isolation, addiction and more. For many people Mac Miller is not a "rapper" "but a singer, a songwriter, an artist, a friend, and even more a guide to so many who feel themselves drifting in a sea that threatens to swallow them. 

Every single day his music and his legacy of Love are the light that helps save someone or guide them back to themselves when lost in their darkness.

His life and music inspired & will continue to inspire many to have the courage & strength to follow their dreams. It changes the world. 

You don't have to understand it. You don’t even need to believe it. 

But you do need to know it's true. The healing magic of this place is real to us.

And I hope, for the sake of so so many minds and hearts and spirits, including Malcolm and all of the McCormick family and friends who still reside right there in Pittsburgh, that you reconsider the near sighted choice not to allow the permits, and instead help us build this into something even safer and better for the community and in honor or the LOVE Mac amplifies and embodies there, at the sight known from now til infinity as Mac Miller’s Blue Slide Park.

With all of my love and hope and healing intentions for the family, the fans, and the city too…

Kaci Anne McCall


LISTEN to 'English Lane' from Mac's album titled: Blue Slide Park
