Brings of Love and Freedom. 🌈❤️‍🔥🪽🙏🌐🌏☮️

I believe in love and freedom.

I believe these are creator gifted sovereign rights. I believe they are mine, and yours, whether we have similar belief systems or not.

Your values are not for me to dictate.

I have no desire to force my will upon you.
I respect your freedom.
I can really only hope to control myself, and even then the nature of spirit will have the final say.

I do not need man's laws to control myself.

I am perfectly capable.
I have logic. I see and understand the Law of Cause and Effect. I utilize my reasoning, I gauge choices based upon my values, my feelings, and my intuition. My law comes from creation itself, and cannot be broken, undone or taken away.

I believe this because universal law and my own hands-on personal spiritual and Earth life experiences have so far proven it to be so.

And I will fight for me, you, they, them, all of us. Even if you fight against me.

The truth

is we are all very much a part of one Earthly family And the sooner we all accept and honor that, the sooner we can get to fixing. 😘❤️‍🩹🙏🌈🌐☮️🌏🪽

#WEthePeople want NO WAR. 💖✌️💖✌️ #peaceonearth #PEACE #spreadlove #rfkjr #rfk2024 #bobbykennedy #nolabels #love  #3rdparty #declareyourindependence #free
