We Need a Hero πŸ¦…πŸ¦…πŸ¦…πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²


"The word "vote" comes from the Latin word votum, which means "vow" or "wish". In ancient Roman religion, a votum is a vow or promise made to a deity. The word votum comes from the past participle of the Latin verb voveo, which means "vow" or "promise"."

I don't know about all of you, but if my vote is actually, ritualistically and spiritually myself making a VOW of sorts, I need to feel aligned to what that person believes, thinks, speaks and how they act in this world. 

When you vote, you are energetically consenting and approving ...connecting with ...  the man/woman who's name you endorse, and ALL that they represent. It is a tie that binds.

That's a much bigger deal than choosing a giant douche or a turd sandwich on South Park. And yet that's what we as American people have been reduced to. 

Dumbed down and pitted against each other, poisoned on every level and led like marionettes to claim their gang gang: rep dem or should we just be real, call them cryp or blud loyalties ... and get ready to fucking fight the 'others' to the end if they dare to disagree or vote for the 'other side'. 

They're 2 sides of the same FAKE ASS coin guys, it's far past time got us to admit and be done with that. 

The system is rigged. And it doesn't matter if they let you get a D guy or an R guy. 

We need a WE guy. πŸ¦…πŸ¦…πŸ¦…πŸ¦…πŸ¦…πŸ¦…
What is a leader supposed to be like anyway, really?? This guy has already says he knows he could well die over it, but there's worse things than death. πŸ₯€

Our government doesn't work for us, they work for CREAM. For the lobbyists and the blackrocks and the top 1%.  And those people are across the board, it's not this side evil, that side good. They have you under a literal spell. It's killing you slowly. Trump did no better as a leader than Biden, and neither of these men are the LEADER we need at this crucial turning point in not just US History, but across the World, and beyond. A LEADER with not just intellect, but also logic, reason, understanding, compassion, empathy, curiosity....respect for different cultures, for the earth itself, the soil, the water, the animals, the women, the people. All of them, around the world. Doesn't that seem like a breath of fresh air?  

Those of us who are sick of watching our country destroy itself while people laugh and make fun of the so called 'other team' as if we aren't all an integral part of each other... Are boring based on using free thought, the power of information at our fingertips, aka research and education, and making a vote based on actual values, aka seeking a LEADER, and exemplary human who stands on solid logic, reason and understanding of not just the current systems that control us, but who RUNS this system. A LEADER being a person who does his best to always speak truth with integrity, to the point he speaks the truths that frankly make me wonder if he will be kil...I mean Epstein himself when the public wave of support for him gets to scary for them. If anything I said touches something or raises an eyebrow. In fact if you are even thinking about tapping a react button, whether love or laugh, you owe it to yourself to give an open minded listen and ask yourself what should a president actually exemplify, and what do you really want to see and hear and FEEL from the energy of the person controlling your country, and let's be honest, this world. Spoiler alert. The two party system is fucked, and the comments and fear mongering and bullshit we all see people spewing upon each other online, is just one symptom of the sickness that needs healing, by MAJOR FUCKING CHANGE here in this country. It's built on a ancient indigenous burial ground for Christ's sake. Ammiright 
 Robert F. Kennedy, Jr 

No one asked, but hope someone might hear.πŸͺ™πŸͺ™#wethepeopleπŸ“œ#rfkjr #rfk2024
#DeclareYourIndependence #ThirdParty ⌛

Cause I'm done with this kindergarten mentality bullshit. We all deserve better and yet you would rather hate and destroy each other than sit down together and start creating solutions and but lding better. Or are you actually up to the challenge? ❤️‍πŸ”₯πŸ’­

TLDR: take a listen. Agree with anything??peace and love πŸŒˆπŸ’–✌️
We The People 

Also, bro is a surfer, and a falconer. 
Come on America. 
