Be You. You'll Be Fine.

(Most Dope Family episode where Mac is explaining who the Larry's are, and about having 3 different people inside of him))

Mac: 🧙‍♂️🪄💭💭💭

Q: 💭

Mac: you're looking at me like I'm crazy'

How the hell will people look at me when I tell them the name  (and concept) of the book I'm writing...  😂😂😂 (✨🪄💭📜✨)

Oh the lifelong lesson of learning to not give fucks... At 44 I'm barely grasping it, and taking notes beyond time and space from an 18 year old kid in Pittsburgh. Wtf.

The more I learn, the more I have to share start burning inside me, and the more I know that there is just no way for it to resonate with everyone. And people I desperately want to see, and hear, and feel and understand me...won't be able to. And people I never expected to, will actually come pretty close. 

But so many will look at me crazy. Oh the #WITCHWOUND karmic fear I've been exhuming on this ride. Is it even safe to be yourself? To speak the truth? To intend to offer gifts of healing to the world, and preaching love so loudly?? When they look at me crazy... Am I crazy?? 

This place is crazy.

Man, I feel u bro, but hey. Hard to explain what we can barely fathom within ourselves...Yet somehow so often you were able to do just that and speak for us within your words and songs and music.
We hear you. Feel you. And we unconditionally LOVE all of you, every version, from Malcolm to Delusional Thomas, and beyond ... 

You help us realize we can give that gift of unapologetic wholeness, authenticity, love and acceptance to ourselves too. We can keep trying to, and learning to. 

So. Many. People...are following their dreams with YOU inked upon their skin and engrained within their hearts. You are a shining light in the darkness that is never far from us. You show us the Pheonix egg hiding within our ashes, and breathe life back into the embers when we need it most. It's incredible really. We are in absolute awe of you, and the dreams you weave...

The dead rapper spirit guide I could never have known I needed. I wish you came into my life sooner. I wish your music had found me when your spirit was in that beautiful perfect smile from heaven package and I could have hugged it with my entire heart and soul, and thanked you into your eyes... But somehow I will. I hope when I get to the timeline where we meet and become BFFs, that Bernie Sanders is president there btw.
"that's what Heaven's like, I guess I think it is" Thank you for bringing it all to the table, it's only becoming more inconceivable to try to imagine the scope of the ripples you're frequency creates, only growing...So it goes...  That's love...  #92tilinfinity...

Love you and Thank you...
