New Moon in Pisces: ‘Believe It To See It’

Dream a New Dream. Dive Deeper.

The energies of learning to finally FEEL and trust and know our intuition, whether we see it, or hear it, or just sense in a way we cannot name... we have been journeying through a world of opening our eyes and expanding our perception of who we are and what we might be capable of. We have been learning to Trust and Know through our other senses and validate the unseen aspects, that were once denied or ignored. New awareness levels await us, but we also have to make the choice to swim into the darker depths where no lifeguard is on duty. Rest assured though, you’re safe. 

The New Moon in Pisces, is a time of clarifying and setting your intentions for what’s to come. Not just in the upcoming weeks, but there is heightened karmic energy connected as this new moon is paving the way for the upcoming Total Solar Eclipse in Libra. Meaning, these are themes of lifetimes re-emerging from the depths, and it may feel overwhelming and never ending, or it may finally just now be beginning to feel sort of like, ok I got this, not my first rodeo.

The new, or dark moon wants to know our intention for new beginnings. What does our most free and creative aspect want to bring forth into this world, what wants to express itself through our spirit? Have we been afraid to let it out? What seeds we are planting now, are what will grow to become. Are we choosing what we plant? Or are we allowing others to plant their ideas and beliefs and programs inside the sacred space of our subconscious mind…the sacred cosmic soil from which all things spring…the mental plane, the spark of consciousness firing across the dark, womb of conception, fertilization, and gestation. 

RIGHT NOW is just to get clear and choose what seed you will plant. 

That’s all. Clarified vision, incubated ideas. Alone time. Trust.

And the wait….A time of waiting to begin, of wondering what’s to come. It can feel like being lost or pulled or stuck between worlds. Like being in some type of dreamstate or limbo. Purgatory, if you haven’t been listening to the call of your soul in some time. It’s never too late though, you’re actually just beautifully perfectly on time. 

The New Start is a new idea. Listen.

Don’t fear the unknown. Don’t judge the Not Knowing. Just breathe, float… and Let it Be unclear, and trust, the shifts will take place to allow the growth in clarity over next two weeks.

Take this time to dive into the ocean of uncertainty and confusion around you, and consider the fact that all buried treasure lies underneath the surface. You’ll never find it just clinging to the liferaft. Sit into the stillness and feel the waters warm with possibility swirl around you. What will you create there? What creatures swim toward and peek through the murky distance to join into your activities? What areas of your life need collaboration and communion with others, and where are you too consumed with the crowd and needing to create boundaries and separation in order to clarify your own waters.  Don't let people take advantage of you, whether through your wide eyed hopes and dreams, and someone’s promises to make them all come true, or those who prey on the fears that seem like they really there just lurking in the shadows and waiting, and somehow they have the solution, but not before they stoke those flames of fear first. 

Partnerships, Joint Missions, Synchronistic Connections, Karmic Family/Friends.

Neptune, the ruler of Pisces can bring illusion, delusion, confusion, loss of parameters, lack of boundaries and other issues of merging and morphing together. 

This can also be a wonderful thing, and a very necessary component of alchemical magic…to transmute through dispersion, dissolution, combining and bringing different elements together into something completely new. Mixing of the potion, bubbling of the brew. But you have to have some basis and groundedness from which you are working, keep references to where up and down are, so that you don’t lose orientation and get swept away with the waves.  The key is to find the balance between surrendering to the flow and trusting your sacred feminine intuitive powers and strengths, but also giving due respect to the strength and structure of form, of structure, and dedicated work. There may have been a distinct shift in the past year for you in some type of spiritual way, maybe you have simply seen it playing out dynamically within aspects of yourself, or interpersonally with those in your life. Either way, the tension of containment versus escape, or form vs formlessness have been palpable and it’s important for all of us to find our own unique rhythm that allows us to surf those waves and use the tides in our favor, to power our dreams and move them forward.

As a collective, this is a time of utmost importance to recognize the unseen aspects, and begin to open and allow the currents of awareness to swirl into the depths, and exhume those wrecks we had let slip far beneath the surface long ago. Allow the forces that surround you to support and clean and cleanse and let the stagnancy wash away, maybe some of this has been clung to you for lifetimes. Good riddance. Time of dissolving bonds that are unhealthy.

Boundaries are both necessary but also an illusion. 

As we dive as a collective into the transmutative forces of cosmic eternal love, we dissolve the illusions of separation in all aspects of humanity. We feel the strength in the wave we create. A wave of lasting peace, brotherhood, unity, empathy, compassion, understanding, forgiveness. 

And So It Goes…

